Thursday, September 07, 2006

Hurricane Hunter Sept 6

I strapped my 8 ft Stewart surfboard on top of the Infiniti, and left the house at 8:45 am. Exactly four hours later, I crossed over the George Washington Bridge from New York City into New Jersey. At 6 pm I drove over, then under, the Chesapeake Bay. By 8:45 p.m. I was sitting in this room at a Days Inn on the beach in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Exactly 12 hours drive time, and 700 miles (I think).

I’ll verify the exact distance when I get back in the car and head for the Wright Brothers museum (which is ½ mile from here). I only filled up with gas once. That was along the New Jersey Turnpike, and the price was $2.76 a gallon. Just north of here, I saw the price was $2.46 per gallon, but most of the gas stations had it at $2.49. Here on the island, I think it’s about $2.59 per gallon. (Important information these days, isn’t it?)
The surf is small and choppy, but my plan is to head south tomorrow to Buxton or Avon or wherever it is the good surf is supposed to be. I need to stop at a surf shop today and get the details on surf spots.

As I write this, I hear CNN mentioning tropical storm Florence, which is building in the Atlantic and should bring me waves by this weekend. That is one of the reasons I drove here. Another is that I’ve always wanted to check out the Wright Brothers first flight museum. I am a pilot, after all. Or I used to be one. No. I’m still a pilot. I have a license in my pocket that proves it. Oh, it’s not in my pocket. I left it at home. Anyway, who wouldn’t want to see the Wright Brothers museum and the sand dunes from where they first flew?

I don’t have any pictures of the drive because my camera batteries were dead. It‘s a shame because the smoke stacks, and factories along the northern part of the New Jersey Turnpike were such a beautiful sight. But actually, I would have like to have gotten some pictures of the sunset over Chesapeake Bay while I was weaving over and under it via the bridges and tunnels. But the batteries are charged now, and I hope to post some pictures this afternoon.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Les aventures de paul continues!

Very cool Paul. Your making me want to get down there and join you. I'll look forward to reading how today unfolds. Paul if you could, I would like to see a pitcure of the surf shop you visit, an image of where the Wright Brothers flew into history and (this may be a challenge) a picture of you surfing... or at least a picture of the waves. ta

8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How's the hunt going? Tropical storm or hurricane? Any surf yet??
On your return definitely get pics of the tunnel/bridge. I remember what an awesome view that is.

5:00 PM  

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