Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Hurricane Hunter Sept 12 & 13

Well, finally on Tuesday evening, I got the big, overhead waves from Florence that I’d been traveling for.
From 5 p.m. until sunset on Tuesday, the smallest wave I caught was head high, and there were a couple that were two feet overhead. I surfed again at 6:30 the next morning with the same size waves, and then again at 3 p.m. And do you know where I had to drive to finally get this great surf? Back to Rye Beach in New Hampshire (ten minutes from my house).

I awoke in Ocean City, Maryland, and the wind was still onshore, and the surf was like a washing machine, so I determined that if I left at 8 a.m., I could cruise up the NJ Turnpike in light, pre-noon traffic. (NJ Turnpike - One of my favorite sights in NJ)

That would have me crossing the George Washington Bridge at about noon, and get me back in New Hampshire by 5 p.m. Everything worked according to plan, and I was at home before 4 p.m. Tuesday afternoon, and surfing at 5 p.m.

Here’s a rare picture of Leon and a short board. If Leon starts riding a short board more often, then maybe he won't always catch waves one hundred feet farther out than everyone else with his 10-foot board, and the rest of us can catch more waves. Wishful thinking. Just kidding, Leon.

The following pics are just assorted waves and anonymous surfers at Rye Beach.

The pictures of the waves I took are all waves that were on the inside (close to shore) so they are only about head high. The bigger waves were breaking outside, and my cheap digital camera doesn’t have a powerful zoom.

All in all, it was a fun trip driving down to Cape Hatteras, and I especially liked Atlantic Beach, NC. I can tell you one thing for sure. It was a lot easier driving the Infiniti cross country with it's cruise control and satellite radio than it was driving the VW bug cross country. And with the XM radio set for hours to the E Entertainment channel, I'm now an expert on The Monkees, Jerry Lewis and Roseanne Barr. Just ask me anything.

Another point: This travel blog takes too long to upload pictures and edit, so I'm going to try and get a web page to document my next adventure, whatever that will be. I do have reliable information that another hurricane named Gordon, or George or something may be going up the same path as Florence. I might rest up a bit, then load the car and search for it. Or I may just take a nap in my hammock, and wait until it gets up here.

P.S. Thanks to anonymous for identifying the aircraft in my previous blog as a Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey--a tilt rotor aircraft. You get a free subscription to Paul's Journey.